(817) 861-3937 ( EYES )
(817) 861-3937 ( EYES )
Watch a video that explains cataract surgery in detail.
Brief description of types IOL lens implants available for cataract surgery.
In depth discussion of types of IOL as well as patient testimonials.
At Texas Eye Physicians, PA, we specialize in premium implants like ReStor, Toric , Symfony , and PanOptix lens for the treatment of cataract and presbyopia and astigmatism for a spectacle free lifestyle. To reduce the patient's need for glasses, an intraocular lens matching the patient's prescription is inserted into the eye during cataract surgery ( see our section on cataract surgery). During this procedure, we have the ability to implant lenses, like the Alcon Toric IOL, than can correct corneal astigmatism that before required glasses or toric contact lens. After surgery, patients will be less dependent on glasses for driving and outdoors activities like golf.
As an alternative, we can also place a bifocal ALCON ReSTOR IOL, or Technis Symfony or Synergy lens to allow the patient to see far and near. The three bifocal types of Restor lens comes in the distance centered +2.50 that allows monofocal like distance vision and intermediate vision. The +3 and +4 ReStor have a near center and distance outer ring that allows better near vision than the +2.50 ReStor. These lens also comes as a toric to correct astigmatism.
Optiwave Refractive Analysis (ORA)
ORA is a sophisticated optical software system that improves intraocular lens power selection in cataract surgery. Using ORA, our surgeons are able to verify preoperative IOL power calculation using real time measurements of the patient's eye during cataract surgery, ORA determines the true refractive state of the eye intraoperatively immediately following cataract removal, allowing the surgeon to make adjustment to prior lens calculations. After the optimum lens is determined by ORA, and the lens is inserted by the surgeon, ORA confirms the refractive state of the eye again. This allows the correct power and axis of the lens to be verified and corrected if needed at the time of surgery. This is most useful in post LASIK and highly myopic and astigmatic eyes where preoperative measurements can be erroneous. Using ORA, our surgeons achieve much higher patient satisfaction post operatively.
Call our office to schedule an appointment to determine if you are a candidate for these premium Lifestyle lenses and technology that will reduce your need for glasses at (817) 8613937.
The only FDA approved trifocal lens, the PanOptix lens allows the patient to see distance for driving, intermediate for computer and near to read a book without glasses. This lens also comes as in a Toric for the correction of astigmatism. This lens gives exceptional distance vision with the lowest complaints of glare and halo. Over 90 % of patients receiving this lens in one eye also want it in their fellow eye. Call us to inquire how our highly skilled surgeons are using ORA and PanOptix and Zepto together to make glasses and contacts the things of the past.